Why do I need website support?

Did you know that every day more than 13,000 sites on the WordPress platform are attacked by hackers? Website management is a long-term process that requires constant attention and care.

Security and Firewall

With the popularity of WordPress, new threats are emerging. The firewall serves as an important barrier to various types of attacks, including hacking attempts, DDoS attacks, malicious bots, SQL injections and cross-site scripting. This ensures the security of the website and improves the overall user experience.

Content Editing

Your website lives and develops, requiring constant changes, whether it’s publishing new blog articles, updating product information or customizing the page layout. The ability to make an unlimited number of changes to the content allows you to maintain relevance and compliance with your goals.

Daily Cloud Backups

Imagine that a critical error has occurred that has caused your website to crash or important data to be lost. Daily cloud backups act as a security system, taking snapshots of your site’s status. If something goes wrong, you can easily restore the previous version, minimizing the loss of time and data.


Slow loading pages can scare away visitors and negatively affect your site’s ranking in search engines. Performance testing is a key aspect of WordPress maintenance, evaluating the speed and responsiveness of your site and identifying areas for improvement. Performance optimization contributes to better user interaction and increased trust in your website.

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